Product for the prevention and treatment of nosematosis in bees.
Product for the prevention and treatment of nosematosis in bees.
Product license: License № 0022 - 1557
Nosestat solution is a combination of iodine and formic acid. The two active substances have pronounced antiseptic and antiprotozoal action and exhibit additive synergism.
Proven efficacy from 89% to 94% needs Nosema apis and up to 74% in relations to Nosema serana.
Nosestat destroys the spores of Nosema apis and Nosema cerenae, reducing the infestation of bee families.
Against nosematosis in bees without antibiotic.
The active substances iodine and formic acid have a pronounced antinosematosis effect. They destroy nosematosis parasites and reduce their spores when apllayed internally with sugar syrup or honey-sugar dough.
Nozestat does not require a withdrawal period.
The infection outside the body of bees in cakes, honey, hive walls and more. It must be eliminated by Good Beekeeping Practice and Cleaning.
Nosestat is well tolerated by bees, brood and queeny bees.
The infection outside the body of bees in cakes, honey, hive walls and more. It must be eliminated by Good Beekeeping Practice and Cleaning.
Аchievement of remediate of the digestive tract from the spores of the nosematosis and interruption of the chain of spread of the disease.
The infection outside the body of bees in cakes, honey, hive walls and more. It must be eliminated by Good Beekeeping Practice and Cleaning.
The contents of bottle № 1 (80 ml) and bottle № 2 (20 ml) are mixed by shaking and the contents of bottle № 2 are added to bottle № 1 (the mixture thus prepared is usable for 20 days).
Add 5 ml of the above mixture to 1 L sugar syrup or 1 kg honey sugar dough.
Treatment with the prepared drug syrup is carried out 3 times in 3 days with 500-800 ml each, and after one week it is repeated according to the same scheme.
The treatment with the medicated honey sugar dough is carried out with 200-300 g, and after its treatment the treatment can be repeated.
Easy application and dosage
Nosestat is easy to apply and is well soluble in sugar syrup or honey-sugar dough.
For better dosing of the product Nosestat dosing devices have been added to the package.
Product for the prevention and treatment of nosematosis in bees.
Product for the prevention and treatment of nosematosis in bees.
Instructions for use of VMP Nosestat
License № 0022-1557
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