
Startovit, through its optimal composition stimulates the laying of eggs of the Qееn and for the efficient work of the bees. That way the development of the bees families is accelerated to optimum during the spring and the production of bee products increases. The application of the preparation at strongly developed bee families during the spring could lead to swarming in some bees.


Startovit, through its optimal composition stimulates the laying of eggs of the Qееn and for the efficient work of the bees.

PURPOSE: In spring: For weak and average strong bee families to optimize and accelerate their development before the beginning of harvesting. During the first half of the summer: At strongly developed bee families for creation of deviation (new bee families). During the second half of the summer: For support of the eggs laying of the Queen and the strength of the bee families.



STARTOVIT Granula 25 g (5 bags of 5 g) Complementary compound feedingstuff for bees

CONTENT FOR 5 g: Sugar crystals 4.54 g, Natrii chloridum 0.43 g, Dinatrii phosphas (E339) 0.01 g Additive: Cyanocobalamin 0,002 g.

STARTOVIT Granula 25 g (5 bags of 5 g) Complementary compound feedingstuff for bees

APPLICATION AND DOSAGE: Every pack contains 5 bags of 5 g One bag of 5 g is dissolved in 10 l sugar syrup (1:1). To one bee family could be applied 500 ml syrup – 3 to 5 times in a course of 3 –5 days.

STARTOVIT Granula 25 g (5 bags of 5 g) Complementary compound feedingstuff for bees

CAUTION: The period of three to five days between feedings is relative and depends on the strength of the bee families treated. Each subsequent dose (after the first one) should be given after the previous dose of the bee family has been taken, keeping the minimum period of three days between meals with Startovit!

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STARTOVIT Granula 25 g (5 bags of 5 g) Complementary compound feedingstuff for bees

Startovit taken well from bee families. The positive impact is expressed in: Increasing the strength of bee families Increase in the amount of sealed worker brood Increase in wax productivity


Startovit, through its optimal composition stimulates the laying of eggs of the Qееn and for the efficient work of the bees.


Startovit, through its optimal composition stimulates the laying of eggs of the Qееn and for the efficient work of the bees.

About Startovit

About Startovit


Startovit, through its optimal composition stimulates the laying of eggs of the Qееn and for the efficient work of the bees.